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Piedurkņu Patch pretgaisa artilērijas mācību centrs ASV armija

Piedurkņu Patch pretgaisa artilērijas mācību centrs ASV armija

ID: US-MSCPT-00001 Autors: Sergiy Kumalagov
Armor Center and School Patch. US Army

Armor Center and School Patch. US Army

ID: US-MSCPT-00002 Autors: Artemii Катков
Army National Guard Schools Patch. US Army

Army National Guard Schools Patch. US Army

ID: US-MSCPT-00003 Autors: Artemii Катков
Army War College Patch, US Army

Army War College Patch, US Army

ID: US-MSCPT-00004 Autors: Artemii Катков
Aviation Center and School Patch. US Army

Aviation Center and School Patch. US Army

ID: US-MSCPT-00005 Autors: Artemii Катков
Aviation Logistics School Patch. US Army

Aviation Logistics School Patch. US Army

ID: US-MSCPT-00006 Autors: Artemii Катков
Chaplain Center and School Patch. US Army

Chaplain Center and School Patch. US Army

ID: US-MSCPT-00007 Autors: Artemii Катков
Chemical School Patch. US Army

Chemical School Patch. US Army

ID: US-MSCPT-00008 Autors: Artemii Катков
Command and General Staff College and Combined Arms Center and Fort Leavenworth Patch. US Army

Command and General Staff College and Combined Arms Center and Fort Leavenworth Patch. US Army

ID: US-MSCPT-00009 Autors: Artemii Катков
Defense Language School (USA Element) Patch. US Army

Defense Language School (USA Element) Patch. US Army

ID: US-MSCPT-00010 Autors: Artemii Катков
Engineer Center and Fort Leonard Wood and School Patch. US Army

Engineer Center and Fort Leonard Wood and School Patch. US Army

ID: US-MSCPT-00011 Autors: Artemii Катков
Field Artillery Center and School Patch. US Army

Field Artillery Center and School Patch. US Army

ID: US-MSCPT-00012 Autors: Artemii Катков
Infantry School Patch. US Army

Infantry School Patch. US Army

ID: US-MSCPT-00013 Autors: Artemii Катков
Intelligence Center and School Patch. US Army

Intelligence Center and School Patch. US Army

ID: US-MSCPT-00014 Autors: Artemii Катков
John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center Patch. US Army

John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center Patch. US Army

ID: US-MSCPT-00015 Autors: Artemii Катков
Judge Advocate General's Legal Center and School Patch. US Army

Judge Advocate General's Legal Center and School Patch. US Army

ID: US-MSCPT-00016 Autors: Artemii Катков
Medical Center Department and School Patch. US Army

Medical Center Department and School Patch. US Army

ID: US-MSCPT-00017 Autors: Artemii Катков
Military Police School Patch. US Army

Military Police School Patch. US Army

ID: US-MSCPT-00018 Autors: Artemii Катков
Missile and Munitions Center and School Patch. US Army

Missile and Munitions Center and School Patch. US Army

ID: US-MSCPT-00019 Autors: Artemii Катков
Ordnance School and Center Patch, US Army

Ordnance School and Center Patch, US Army

ID: US-MSCPT-00020 Autors: Artemii Катков
Quartermaster Center and School Patch, US Army

Quartermaster Center and School Patch, US Army

ID: US-MSCPT-00021 Autors: Artemii Катков
School of Music Patch. US Army

School of Music Patch. US Army

ID: US-MSCPT-00022 Autors: Artemii Катков
School of the Americas (Obsolete) Patch. US Army

School of the Americas (Obsolete) Patch. US Army

ID: US-MSCPT-00023 Autors: Artemii Катков
Sergeants Major Academy Patch. US Army

Sergeants Major Academy Patch. US Army

ID: US-MSCPT-00024 Autors: Artemii Катков
Signal Center and Fort Gordon and School Patch. US Army

Signal Center and Fort Gordon and School Patch. US Army

ID: US-MSCPT-00025 Autors: Artemii Катков
Soldier Support Institute Patch. US Army

Soldier Support Institute Patch. US Army

ID: US-MSCPT-00026 Autors: Artemii Катков
Transportation Center and School Patch, US Army

Transportation Center and School Patch, US Army

ID: US-MSCPT-00027 Autors: Artemii Катков
U.S. Military Academy Patch. US Army

U.S. Military Academy Patch. US Army

ID: US-MSCPT-00028 Autors: Artemii Катков
Warrant Office Career Center Patch. US Army

Warrant Office Career Center Patch. US Army

ID: US-MSCPT-00029 Autors: Artemii Катков
Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation Patch. US Army

Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation Patch. US Army

ID: US-MSCPT-00030 Autors: Artemii Катков
US Army artillery and missile school Patch. US Army

US Army artillery and missile school Patch. US Army

ID: US-MSCPT-00031 Autors: Artemii Катков
Civil Affairs School Patch. US Army

Civil Affairs School Patch. US Army

ID: US-MSCPT-00032 Autors: Artemii Катков
Officer Candidate School Patch. US Army

Officer Candidate School Patch. US Army

ID: US-MSCPT-00033 Autors: Artemii Катков
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