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Нарукавный знак 2 полевой армии СВ США во Вьетнаме

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On a shield arched at top 2 3/8 inches (6.03cm) in width overall a crusader's unsheathed sword, point to top and with white blade and yellow hilt, superimposed on a blue stylized arrow throughout, shaft tapered and points and angled tips of arrowhead touching top and sides of shield, the areas on each side of the tapered shaft yellow and the areas on each side of the arrowhead red all within a 1/8 inch (.32cm) white border.

The shape of the shield and the unsheathed crusader's sword (the "Sword of Freedom") were suggested by the shoulder sleeve insignia previously authorized for the United States Military Assistance Command, Vietnam, and the United States Army, Vietnam. The stylized blue arrow and sword are used to represent the purpose and military might of the II Field Force pressing against, sweeping back, and breaking through enemy forces symbolized by the red areas. The dividing of the red and yellow areas of the shield into two parts allude to the numerical designation of the II Field Force, the colors red and yellow also being those of Vietnam. The colors red, white and blue are the national colors of the United States and further allude to the three major combat arms: Infantry, Artillery and Armor.

The shoulder sleeve insignia was approved on 5 Oct 1966.

Еще из категории: Другие нарукавные знаки пронумерованных подразделений

Нарукавный знак 78 командования армейской авиации СВ США (Национальная гвардия штата Джорджия) Нарукавный знак 75 учебного командования СВ США. Нарукавный знак 78 учебной дивизии СВ США. Нарукавный знак 1 командования ракетных войск СВ США Нарукавный знак 100 бригады противоракетной обороны СВ США
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