Всемирная военная энциклопедия
> Нашивки
> Нарукавные нашивки Сухопутных войск
> Другие нарукавные знаки пронумерованных подразделений
> US-PTMNU-00008

Нарукавный знак 9 вспомогательного командования СВ США

Army Staff breast badge /Latvian National Armed Forces/

Нарукавный знак Управления Командующего Воздушно-десантными войсками (ВДВ) Вооруженных Сил России

Нарукавный знак Государственной пограничной службы Азербайджана
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On a blue disc 2 13/16 inches (7.14 cm) in diameter the scarlet Roman numeral IX encircled by a scarlet annulet.
The roman numerals IX (9) reflect the numerical designation of the unit.
The shoulder sleeve insignia was originally approved for the IX Corps on 17 June 1922. It was amended to change the size on 9 April 1941. On 24 October 1997, it was redesignated for the 9th Regional Support Command. The insignia was redesignated effective 16 April 2008, for the 9th Mission Support Command. (TIOH Dwg. No. A-1-65).
On a blue disc 2 13/16 inches (7.14 cm) in diameter the scarlet Roman numeral IX encircled by a scarlet annulet.
The roman numerals IX (9) reflect the numerical designation of the unit.
The shoulder sleeve insignia was originally approved for the IX Corps on 17 June 1922. It was amended to change the size on 9 April 1941. On 24 October 1997, it was redesignated for the 9th Regional Support Command. The insignia was redesignated effective 16 April 2008, for the 9th Mission Support Command. (TIOH Dwg. No. A-1-65).
Еще из категории: Другие нарукавные знаки пронумерованных подразделений