Pasaules Militārā Enciklopēdija
> Moldova
> Patches
> Shoulder Sleeve Patches
> Ielāpi bruņoto spēku Moldovas

Ielāpi bruņoto spēku Moldovas

Patch of Armed Force Rebublica Moldova
ID: MD-PTARF-00001 Autors: Sergiy Kumalagov
Patch of Separate Special Batalion of Armed Force Rebublica Moldova
ID: MD-PTARF-00002 Autors: Sergiy Kumalagov
Separate Special Force battalion "Thunder". MOLDOVA
ID: MD-PTARF-00009 Autors: Vitalis Dubininkas
Patch of the 1st Infantry Brigade of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Moldova
ID: MD-PTARF-00003 Autors: Sergiy Kumalagov
Patch of the 2nd Infantry Brigade of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Moldova
ID: MD-PTARF-00004 Autors: Sergiy Kumalagov
Patch of the 3th Infantry Brigade of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Moldova
ID: MD-PTARF-00005 Autors: Sergiy Kumalagov
Air Defense Brigade Patch "them. Dimitrie Cantemir" Republic of Moldova
ID: MD-PTARF-00006 Autors: Sergiy Kumalagov
Aviation Brigade Patch of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Moldova
ID: MD-PTARF-00007 Autors: Sergiy Kumalagov
Patch of Separate Special Batalion of Armed Force Rebublica Moldova
ID: MD-PTARF-00008 Autors: Sergiy Kumalagov
Moldova Ground Forces Patch Military College named Alexandru cel Bun
ID: MD-PTARF-00010 Autors: Sergiy Kumalagov
Moldavian Natioanal Flag Sleeve Patch
ID: MD-PTARF-00011 Autors: Sergiy Kumalagov