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USA Reserve Legal Command Patch. Alpha Units. US Army

Mainīt informāciju
An embroidered truncated equilateral triangular device blazoned: Argent displaying a fasces Buff, blade Gris, binding Azure, surmounted by a sword point to base Proper and a quill pen nib to base of the third in saltire within a 1/8 inch (.32 cm) Yellow border. Overall dimensions are 3 inches (7.62 cm) in height and 3 7/16 inches (8.73 cm) in width.

The insignia is a stylized shape alluding to the tri-cornered hat of the Minuteman, reflecting the fact that the members of the Command are Army Reserve Soldiers. The Minuteman is the symbol of the United States Army Reserve, representing the citizen-Soldiers who volunteered to fight for our nation’s independence and have answered the call to arms in all subsequent wars, conflicts, and operations. At the center of the insignia is a fasces, a traditional symbol of legal authority denoting the fact that the United States Army Reserve Legal Command is the first command organization for Judge Advocate General’s Corps organizations in the Army Reserve. The rods of the fasces represent the individual units of the Command, bound together into one organization. Overlaying the fasces is a pen and sword, symbols inspired by the Judge Advocate General’s Corp branch insignia. The pen represents the scholarly nature of the practice of law and the tradition that the Rule of Law is written in order that all citizens may understand it and have it consistently applied to protect their rights. The sword represents the military character of the organization. The background of the insignia is white, used to symbolize the purity of justice and is one of the branch colors of the Judge Advocate General’s Corps.

The shoulder sleeve insignia was approved effective 16 September 2009. (TIOH Dwg. No. A-1-1010)

Citas kategorijas: Lelāpi Alfa vienība

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