Pasaules Militārā Enciklopēdija
> Lentes
> Armijas plecu ielāpi
> Lelāpi Alfa vienība
> US-ALPHA-00066

Sustainment Center of Excellence (Fort Lee, Virginia) Patch. Alpha Units. US Army

Special Operation Command Europe

Нарукавные знаки Пограничной охраны Польши

Bundeswehr Embroidered Beret Insignia "Tank Destroyer". Germany Federal Defence Force
Mainīt informāciju
A shield-shaped embroidered item blazoned as follows: Argent, a torch of knowledge enflamed Or, the torch base Argent (Silver Gray), between five mullets Azure; all within a 1/8 inch (.32 cm) red border. Overall dimensions are 2 3/8 inches (6.03 cm) in width by 3 inches (7.62 cm) in length.
Red, white, and blue are the national colors. The torch of knowledge symbolizes the training functions of the Center to transform service members into proficient logistic leaders and soldiers. Gold/yellow denotes excellence. The five stars represent the five major elements of Sustainment – maintenance, supply, transportation, human resources, and financial services.
The shoulder sleeve insignia was approved effective 1 January 2009. (TIOH Drawing Number A-1-956)
A shield-shaped embroidered item blazoned as follows: Argent, a torch of knowledge enflamed Or, the torch base Argent (Silver Gray), between five mullets Azure; all within a 1/8 inch (.32 cm) red border. Overall dimensions are 2 3/8 inches (6.03 cm) in width by 3 inches (7.62 cm) in length.
Red, white, and blue are the national colors. The torch of knowledge symbolizes the training functions of the Center to transform service members into proficient logistic leaders and soldiers. Gold/yellow denotes excellence. The five stars represent the five major elements of Sustainment – maintenance, supply, transportation, human resources, and financial services.
The shoulder sleeve insignia was approved effective 1 January 2009. (TIOH Drawing Number A-1-956)
Citas kategorijas: Lelāpi Alfa vienība