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> Armijas plecu ielāpi
> Lelāpi Alfa vienība
> US-ALPHA-00020

Department of the Army Staff Support Patch. Alpha Units. US Army

Нарукавный знак Специальной Пограничной Комендатуры. Форос

Army Gold Recruiter Indentification Badge( obsolute) replaced by MASTER in 2011.09.01

82nd Sustainment bde
Mainīt informāciju
Shoulder Sleeve Insignia
A blue five pointed star, one point up, 1 3/8 inches in diameter on a white background within a red border, outside diameter 2 1/4 inches, inside invected of six.
The design has its origin in the crest of the Coat of Arms of the United States and involves the use of the national colors of red, white, and blue.
The shoulder sleeve insignia was approved for the War Department Overhead on July 30, 1941. It was redesignated for Headquarters, Services of Supply on March 27, 1942; redesignated as Army Service Force on March 12, 1943; redesignated Technical and Administrative Services on June 11, 1946; and redesignated as DA Staff Support on October 8, 1969. The shoulder sleeve insignia is authorized for all personnel assigned to Department of the Army Field Operating Agencies (FOA) in accordance with paragraph 27-16, AR 670-1 unless the FOA has been authorized a SSI within its own right. (TIOH Drawing Number A-1-199)
A blue five pointed star, one point up, 1 3/8 inches in diameter on a white background within a red border, outside diameter 2 1/4 inches, inside invected of six.
The design has its origin in the crest of the Coat of Arms of the United States and involves the use of the national colors of red, white, and blue.
The shoulder sleeve insignia was approved for the War Department Overhead on July 30, 1941. It was redesignated for Headquarters, Services of Supply on March 27, 1942; redesignated as Army Service Force on March 12, 1943; redesignated Technical and Administrative Services on June 11, 1946; and redesignated as DA Staff Support on October 8, 1969. The shoulder sleeve insignia is authorized for all personnel assigned to Department of the Army Field Operating Agencies (FOA) in accordance with paragraph 27-16, AR 670-1 unless the FOA has been authorized a SSI within its own right. (TIOH Drawing Number A-1-199)
Citas kategorijas: Lelāpi Alfa vienība