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Combat Vehicle Crew Helmet DH-132 series. USA

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Combat Vehicle Crew Helmet DH-132 series. USA

DH-132® AS helmets are specially designed of GENTEX Corporation for use by personnel operating and manning military armored vehicles. The Combat Vehicle Crew helmets, which are made in accordance with MIL-H-44117, are available in several different configurations for specific mission types.

The three basic helmet configurations include:

DH-132AS Basic
This helmet system features an outer shell, inner liner and communications kit. Typical applications for the helmet system are military tanks, troop carriers, and Stryker, LAV and Avenger vehicles.

This helmet system features an outer shell similar to the DH-132AS Basic, but the helmet offers enhanced waterproofed communications for use in maritime environments. The helmet system also includes a water-resistant inner liner. Typical applications for the helmet system include RHIB, MK-5 and IBU watercrafts.

This helmet system features a unique design within the outer and inner liner, which allows the helmet system to better interface with combat vehicle sighting systems. The helmet system also includes a communications kit. Typical applications include use in Leopard Tanks.

Another category of: Helmets

FAST Ballistic Helmet MICH TC 3000 ADVANCED COMBAT HELMET - LEVEL IIIA U.S. Army PASGT systems helmet (Pre 2000) Combat kevlar PSGT Helmet of Ground Troops of United States ACH Helmet United States
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