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FAST Ballistic Helmet

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FAST Ballistic Helmet

Ops-Core debuted their new Ballistic and Bump Future Assault Shell Technology (FAST) Helmets at SHOT show and just released them for sale to the general public. There are full articles coming soon on Ops-Core products so the intent today is to get the word out on availability. Both of the FAST variants share every detail except shells. The Ballistic Helmet protects from both impact as well as ballistic threats and the Bump Helmet is designed for activities such as parachuting. Both helmets are available in Black, Foliage, Tan, Multicam, and MARPAT.

FAST Ballistic Helmet

The Ballistic Helmet offers the same amount of coverage as a TC-2002 (Gunfighter) but in a different cut. Manufactured from a combination of carbon and UHMWPE, the helmet offers a 20% weight reduction over the ACH and meets NIJ Level III.

Occ-Dial Liner Kit

In the event you just want to modify the suspension of your MICH-style helmet, Ops-Core has released an ACH liner to retrofit your existing dome. Combined with the Ops-Core Head-Loc Retention System, the new Occ-Dial Liner provides you with the same stable fit found on the new FAST helmets. The kit consists of pads designed to ergonomically cradle the head as well as an adjustable fitband with an adjustable dial to control tension. The fitband is easily removable in order to accommodate COMs headsets with internal top headbands.

To order visit Additionally, on a recent visit to Fort Bragg we noticed that Grey Group had Bump Helmets in stock.

Another category of: Helmets

M1 steel helmet Lightweight Helmet (LWH) U.S. Marine Corps ACH Helmet United States MICH TC 3000 ADVANCED COMBAT HELMET - LEVEL IIIA U.S. Army Tactical Ballistic Helmet Side Cut TBH-II™ SC
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