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Нарукавный знак Объединенного штаба Национальной гвардии Американских Виргинских островов, СВ США

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On a shield 2 inches (5.08 cm) in width and 3 1/8 inches (7.94 cm) in height overall, within a 1/8 inch (.32 cm) yellow border, divided horizontally at center the upper part of light blue (forget-me-not blue) and lower part ultramarine blue, with three green (primitive green) isosceles triangles coincident with the partition line; above the center triangle a yellow disk with three yellow beams radiating to top corners and center.

The light blue and ultramarine blue represent the clear skies and waters of the Virgin Islands. The three green triangles refer to the principal islands of St. Thomas, St. John and St. Croix. The golden yellow disk with three radiating beams symbolizes the originally activated four units (HHD VIARNG, 666th Band, 661st MP Company and 662d MP Company), refers to the sunlight of the Islands and also forms the initials VI of the Virgin Islands.

The shoulder sleeve insignia was originally approved for Virgin Islands Army National Guard on 9 May 1974. It was redesignated with description amended for Headquarters, Territorial Area Command, Virgin Islands Army National Guard on 30 December 1983. The insignia was redesignated for the Virgin Islands Army National Guard Element, Joint Force Headquarters and amended to update the description effective 30 March 2009. (TIOH Dwg. No. A-1-576)

Еще из категории: Национальная гвардия США

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