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US Transportation Command (USA Element) Patch. Alpha Units.US Army

Mainīt informāciju
Shoulder Sleeve Insignia

On a brick red shield within a 1/8 inch (.32 cm) black border, 2 1/2 inches (6.35 cm) in width and 3 1/2 inches (8.89 cm) in height overall, a golden yellow sun in splendor issuing from a blue demi-globe gridlined golden yellow, overall a black spear superimposed by a stylized yellow winged seahorse.

Brick red and golden yellow are the colors traditionally used by Transportation units. The sun and demi-globe allude to Illinois, the Prairie State, and the location of the organization. It also highlights the command's worldwide mission to provide air, land and sea transportation to the Department of Defense. The spear represents the military readiness and the command's leadership endeavor in wartime conflict and peacetime operations. The winged seahorse is adapted from the United States Transportation Command's badge.

The shoulder sleeve insignia was approved on 7 December 2001.

Citas kategorijas: Lelāpi Alfa vienība

Ground Forces Replacement Depots Patch. Alpha Units. US Army USA Pacific Air Command Patch. Alpha Units. US Army USA Reserve Legal Command Patch. Alpha Units. US Army Foreign Intelligence Command Patch. Alpha Units. US Army USA Reserve Personnel Command Patch. Alpha Units. US Army
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