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About the project Worldmilitary

Contemporary World Military Encyclopedia Worldmilitary - an illustrated catalog, an encyclopedia of military symbols, decorations and distinctions, uniforms, military equipment and personal protective equipment, and much more.

Encyclopedia basically covers the modern period, from 1990 to the present. But the time limit in the project are conditional, in some cases, individual sections of the project or any information and materials can be about objects (things, symbols, drawings, etc.) of a later period. Later period covered by reason of direct or indirect connection with the modern period. For example, items of ammunition made in the middle 80s and are widely used today.

Topics Encyclopedia also covers the interior and special forces, special units and parts, which are part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, National Security Service and intelligence agencies for the Protection of paramilitary border.

In the encyclopedia does not include information on firearms and bladed weapons, their means of arms. This is done because of more narrow specialization of the project. Not included in the encyclopedia of information about objects and things of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Emergency Situations, the customs authorities with the exception of interior troops, special forces, agencies and services protecting the external borders, which can be found in the composition of these bodies.

The basis of the principles of maximum encyclopedia completeness of information and knowledge. As well as open and democratic way of forming this encyclopedia. Any registered user can take part in a worldwide military encyclopedia Worldmilitary.

The principle of maximum completeness of the information about the subject of the project is implemented by creating a separate object for each "card". In this "card" offer comprehensive image of the object that the user downloads the site and any information relating to the subject, from the name, official documents to specify the size of the object and its weight.

Encyclopedia Worldmilitary will be interesting and helpful people from a wide range of military collectors, military experts and professionals, students, cadets of military schools to ordinary users of the Internet.

Encyclopedia Worldmilitary is a young project, so any suggestions, comments and any criticism is welcome. You can always write to us.

Yours sincerely
Administatsi project "Encyclopedia Worldmilitary"
August 2011.

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