Cloth Berets Badge of Defence Forces Finland
Cloth Berets Badge of Defence Forces Finland
Bosnia EUFOR
Traditionally, the Finnish army used metal badge "Leo". For the first time this badge was made ​​in the form of embroidery in the summer of 2006 in Sarajevo, where the Finnish peacekeepers have carried out a mission composed of Bosnia EUFOR. The idea of ​​using a badge came from contacting with soldiers from different countries, some of whom used the cloth or embroidered badge. But later on the embroidered badge Finnish peacekeepers were forced to give up, supposedly an old version of the metal is the best solution.
The image was taken from Finnish Peacekeepers' Museums
Author of image: Ismo Flink
Bosnia EUFOR
Traditionally, the Finnish army used metal badge "Leo". For the first time this badge was made ​​in the form of embroidery in the summer of 2006 in Sarajevo, where the Finnish peacekeepers have carried out a mission composed of Bosnia EUFOR. The idea of ​​using a badge came from contacting with soldiers from different countries, some of whom used the cloth or embroidered badge. But later on the embroidered badge Finnish peacekeepers were forced to give up, supposedly an old version of the metal is the best solution.
The image was taken from Finnish Peacekeepers' Museums
Author of image: Ismo Flink