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420 Engineer Brigade Patch. US Army

On a scarlet shield arched at top and base and with rounded corners of a 1/8 inch (.32cm) radius, 2 inches (5.08cm) in width overall divided crosswise into four equal parts by 1/16 inch (.16cm) wide white center lines throughout an open circle 1 15/32 inches (3.73cm) in diameter formed by a 1/16 inch (.16cm) wide yellow stroke concentric about a solid yellow circle 1/4 inch (.64cm) in diameter all within a 1/8 inch (.32cm) white border.

The colors scarlet and white are used for the Corps of Engineers, the gold symbolizing the higher level of command of the Brigade. The division of the shield by the white center lines and gold circle represent the composition of the Brigade of a varying number of units of different sizes and configurations. The larger gold circle is symbolic of planning, coordination and supervision functions of the Brigade which organize the various elements into a working unit. The gold circle in the exact center of the shield represents the command function of the Brigade from which all brigade functions radiate. The combination of the circles and the crossed center lines represent the dual engineering and military mission of the unit by recalling an optical measuring device and its military application of a weapon sight.

The shoulder sleeve insignia was approved on 18 Dec 1967. (TIOH Drawing Number A-1-472)

もう一度カテゴリーから: Engineers

2nd Engineer Brigade Patch. US Army 412 Engineer Command Patch. US Army 372 Engineer Brigade Patch. US Army 130 Engineer Brigade Patch. US Army 168 Engineer Brigade Patch. US Army
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