World Military Encyclopedia
> Switzerland
> Headgears Emblems, Badges
> Swiss Beret Insignia
> Land Forces Beret Insignia
> CH-CHLFBI-00017
The 41st Grenadier Company of the 26th Infantry Battalion Beret Insignia of the Swiss Army
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V corp Long Range Recon company ( Airborne/rangers) obsolute
196 Infantry Brigade Patch. US Army
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The 41st Grenadier Company of the 26th Infantry Battalion Beret Insignia of the Swiss Army
Gren Kp I./Inf Bat 26. (Grenadierkompanie I./Infanteriebataillon 26)
Gren Kp I./Inf Bat 26. (Grenadierkompanie I./Infanteriebataillon 26)