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Нарукавный знак 501 бригады военной разведки СВ США

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On a vertical rectangle arched convexly at top and bottom 3 inches (7.62 cm) in height by 2 inches (5.08 cm) in width divided vertically silver gray and oriental blue all within a 1/8 inch (.32 cm) yellow border, a double warded inverted yellow key between two yellow lightning flashes issuing from upper left and right corners and conjoining the shaft of the key just above the double ward.

Oriental blue and silver gray are the branch colors of Military Intelligence and also refer to the constant day and night vigilance mission of the unit. The key is symbolic of authority and control and alludes to security. The lightning flashes are symbolic of worldwide electrical communications and the double-warded key conjoined with the two lightning flashes symbolize military intelligence and security command united.

The shoulder sleeve insignia was approved on 4 December 1986. (TIOH Dwg. No. A-1-729)

Еще из категории: Военная разведка

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