Всемирная военная энциклопедия
> Нашивки
> Нарукавные нашивки Сухопутных войск
> Военная полиция
> US-MPPTUS-00020

Нарукавный знак 333 бригады военной полиции СВ США

шеврон Пограничной охраны Республики Польша

Нарукавная нашивка полка Национальной гвардии Украины, г. Харьков. 1993г.

M1 steel helmet
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Description: On a yellow axe-head shape 3 inches (7.62 cm) in height and 2 3/4 inches (6.99 cm) in width overall with a 1/8 inch (.32 cm) green border, a green oak leaf surmounted by a yellow sword, hilt down.
The axe-head shape of the insignia symbolizes authority and security. The oak leaf is a reference to the oak trees at Fort Ord, California, where the unit was first activated. The sword symbolizes duty, military strength and law enforcement.
The shoulder sleeve insignia was originally approved for the 800th Military Police Brigade on 8 April 1985. It was redesignated for the 333d Military Police Brigade effective 16 June 2012. (TIOH Dwg. No. A-1-708)
Description: On a yellow axe-head shape 3 inches (7.62 cm) in height and 2 3/4 inches (6.99 cm) in width overall with a 1/8 inch (.32 cm) green border, a green oak leaf surmounted by a yellow sword, hilt down.
The axe-head shape of the insignia symbolizes authority and security. The oak leaf is a reference to the oak trees at Fort Ord, California, where the unit was first activated. The sword symbolizes duty, military strength and law enforcement.
The shoulder sleeve insignia was originally approved for the 800th Military Police Brigade on 8 April 1985. It was redesignated for the 333d Military Police Brigade effective 16 June 2012. (TIOH Dwg. No. A-1-708)
Еще из категории: Военная полиция