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Нарукавный знак 300 бригады военной полиции СВ США

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On a green shield arched at top 3 inches (7.62cm) in height overall a yellow vertical stylized doubled-bitted key with a pierced trifoliate bow all within a 1/8 inch (.32cm) yellow border.

The key is symbolic of authority, command, control, fidelity and wardenship. The double bits refer to the evacuation and process of prisoners of war and/or civilian internees from field Army areas to prisoner of war camps. The stem of the key in simulating the letter "I" also alludes to investigation, interrogation and internment. The three prongs of the bits and the three foils of the bow refer to the organization's mission of providing command, administration and logistical assistance to Headquarters and Headquarters Company, Prisoner of War Camp. The open or pierced foils of the bow simulate the letter "C," the Roman numeral "100," the three foils thus signifying the numeral "300," the numerical designation of the Command. The end of the key stem is pointed to denote the ability of elements of the organization to engage in effective, coordinated defense of the unit's area or installation. The colors green and yellow are used for the Military Police Corps.

The shoulder sleeve insignia was originally approved on 16 December 1969 for the 300th Military Police Prisoner of War Command. It was redesignated for the 300th Military Police Command on 7 December 1988. The insignia was redesignated for the 300th Military Police Brigade on 9 January 2003. (TIOH Dwg. No. A-1-531)

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