Всемирная военная энциклопедия
> Нашивки
> Нарукавные нашивки Сухопутных войск
> Полевая артиллерия
> US-FAPTUS-00015

Нарукавный знак 115 бригады полевой артиллерии СВ США

Беретная нашивка разведки Вооруженных Сил Украины

Нарукавный знак 354-ой Радионавигационной части ВВС Республики Беларусь

Беретная нашивка батальона Спецназа "Гром". МОЛДОВА
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On a scarlet square one corner up a 1/8 inch (.32cm) yellow border 3 1/2 inches (8.89cm) in height and width overall, a yellow sunburst superimposed by the black silhouette of a bucking bronco and rider.
Scarlet and yellow are the colors traditionally associated with Field Artillery. The rayed sun, a symbol of excellence, gives the allusion of a shellburst, and also suggests the scenic wonders of Wyoming. The bucking bronco expresses the spirit, determination and heritage of the soldiers of the Wyoming Army National Guard.
The shoulder sleeve insignia was approved on 9 June 1988. (TIOH Drawing Number A-1-750)
On a scarlet square one corner up a 1/8 inch (.32cm) yellow border 3 1/2 inches (8.89cm) in height and width overall, a yellow sunburst superimposed by the black silhouette of a bucking bronco and rider.
Scarlet and yellow are the colors traditionally associated with Field Artillery. The rayed sun, a symbol of excellence, gives the allusion of a shellburst, and also suggests the scenic wonders of Wyoming. The bucking bronco expresses the spirit, determination and heritage of the soldiers of the Wyoming Army National Guard.
The shoulder sleeve insignia was approved on 9 June 1988. (TIOH Drawing Number A-1-750)
Еще из категории: Полевая артиллерия