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Нарукавный знак 110 бригады боевого обеспечения СВ США

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On a white vertical rectangular embroidered item coming to a 90-degree angle point at base, a red phoenix rising from red outer flames with yellow inner flames, attached below a reversed blue chevron surmounted by three yellow stars; all within a 1/8 inch (.32 cm) red border. Overall dimensions are 2 1/4 inches (5.72 cm) in width and 3 inches (7.62 cm) in length.

The phoenix denotes the transformation and rebirth of the routine functional brigades to the single multifunctional brigade headquarters. Dark blue, the color traditionally used by Infantry units, signifies the 110th Combat Support Brigade’s lineage to the Third Missouri Infantry Regiment; red and white allude to the unit’s direct lineage to the 110th Engineer Battalion. The stars symbolize the three basic missions of the Brigade: to enable, to enhance, and protect.

The shoulder sleeve insignia was originally approved for the 110th Combat Support Brigade (Maneuver Enhancement) on 28 September 2007. It was redesignated for the 110th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade effective 1 February 2008. (TIOH Drawing Number A-1-944)

Еще из категории: Пехота

Нарукавный знак 71 пехотной дивизии СВ США Нарукавный знак 98 пехотной дивизии СВ США Нарукавный знак 102 учебной дивизии СВ США Нарукавный знак 43 пехотной бригады СВ США Нарукавный знак 89 пехотной дивизии СВ США
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