Всемирная военная энциклопедия
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> Нарукавные нашивки Сухопутных войск
> Пехота
> US-INPTUS-00026

Нарукавный знак 33 пехотной бригадной тактической группы СВ США

Эмблема на фуражку " US navy warrant officer" (мичман)

Таг артиллерийского полка дивизии «Идан» Армии Обороны Израиля

Эмблема на фуражку офицера вспомогательных сил БО.
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On a black disc 2 1/4 inches (5.72cm) in diameter a yellow Greek cross 1 3/4 inches (4.45cm) in height and breadth with arms 1/2 inch (1.23cm) in width.
The shoulder sleeve insignia was authorized for the 33d Infantry Division on 22 June 1922. It was redesignated to the 33rd Infantry Brigade, Illinois Army National Guard on 1 July 1968. It was cancelled on 1 May 1998. The insignia was reinstated and redesignated as an exception to policy for the 33d Support Group, with description updated on 11 March 2004. It was redesignated for the 33d Infantry Brigade Combat Team on 6 October 2006. (TIOH Dwg. No. A-1-98)
On a black disc 2 1/4 inches (5.72cm) in diameter a yellow Greek cross 1 3/4 inches (4.45cm) in height and breadth with arms 1/2 inch (1.23cm) in width.
The shoulder sleeve insignia was authorized for the 33d Infantry Division on 22 June 1922. It was redesignated to the 33rd Infantry Brigade, Illinois Army National Guard on 1 July 1968. It was cancelled on 1 May 1998. The insignia was reinstated and redesignated as an exception to policy for the 33d Support Group, with description updated on 11 March 2004. It was redesignated for the 33d Infantry Brigade Combat Team on 6 October 2006. (TIOH Dwg. No. A-1-98)
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