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Нарукавный знак 10 горнопехотной дивизии СВ США

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On a blue powder keg-like background with a 1/8 inch (.32 cm) white border 2 1/2 inches (6.35 cm) in height and 2 3/16 inches (5.56 cm) in width two bayonets in saltire throughout scarlet fimbriated white. Attached immediately above the insignia is a blue tab with the word “MOUNTAIN” in white.

The blue background and the bayonets are symbolic of infantry while the position of the bayonets in saltire simulates the numerical designation of the organization.

The shoulder sleeve insignia was originally approved for the 10th Light Division on 7 January 1944. It was redesignated for the 10th Mountain Division and a mountain tab was added on 22 November 1944. The authority to wear the mountain tab was rescinded 29 January 1947. The insignia was redesignated for the 10th Infantry Division on 14 December 1948. It was amended to change the description and symbolism on 15 November 1984. The insignia was redesignated for the 10th Mountain Division on 13 February 1985 and authority given to wear the mountain tab. (TIOH Drawing Number A-1-87)

Еще из категории: Пехота

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