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> Нарукавные нашивки Сухопутных войск
> Национальная гвардия США
> US-PTNGUS-00047

Нарукавный знак Объединенного штаба Национальной гвардии штата Вермонт, СВ США

BDU rank insignia for 1st Sergeant

Батальон "Ницан" тактической разведки. Израиль

Нарукавный знак 648 бригады боевого обеспечения СВ США
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On a yellow diamond with a 1/8 inch (.32 cm) green border, horizontal axis 3 1/4 inches (8.26 cm) and vertical axis 2 inches (5.08 cm) overall, a black colonial cocked hat with white piping and white button with a pine sprig proper and gray lining.
The design is based on the historical origins of the Vermont National Guard, as the Green Mountain Boys, formed in 1764, who wore a sprig of pine in their hats. The background colors of green and gold (yellow) are the traditional Vermont colors.
The first and current design of the shoulder sleeve insignia was originally approved for Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, Vermont National Guard on 15 February 1952. That design was rescinded and a new/second design approved on 3 January 1957. This second design was cancelled and the first design reinstated for Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, Vermont Army National Guard on 26 July 1976. The insignia was redesignated with its description amended for Headquarters, State Area Command, Vermont Army National on 30 December 1983. It was redesignated effective 1 October 2003, for the Vermont Army National Guard Element, Joint Force Headquarters and amended to update the authorizations and description and add a symbolism. (TIOH Dwg. No. A-1-182)
On a yellow diamond with a 1/8 inch (.32 cm) green border, horizontal axis 3 1/4 inches (8.26 cm) and vertical axis 2 inches (5.08 cm) overall, a black colonial cocked hat with white piping and white button with a pine sprig proper and gray lining.
The design is based on the historical origins of the Vermont National Guard, as the Green Mountain Boys, formed in 1764, who wore a sprig of pine in their hats. The background colors of green and gold (yellow) are the traditional Vermont colors.
The first and current design of the shoulder sleeve insignia was originally approved for Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, Vermont National Guard on 15 February 1952. That design was rescinded and a new/second design approved on 3 January 1957. This second design was cancelled and the first design reinstated for Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, Vermont Army National Guard on 26 July 1976. The insignia was redesignated with its description amended for Headquarters, State Area Command, Vermont Army National on 30 December 1983. It was redesignated effective 1 October 2003, for the Vermont Army National Guard Element, Joint Force Headquarters and amended to update the authorizations and description and add a symbolism. (TIOH Dwg. No. A-1-182)
Еще из категории: Национальная гвардия США