Всемирная военная энциклопедия
> Нашивки
> Нарукавные нашивки Сухопутных войск
> Медицинские подразделения
> US-PTMED-00008

Нарукавный знак 7 медицинской бригады СВ США

Кокарда генеральская Вооруженных Сил РФ

шеврон Пограничной охраны Республики Польша

нагрудная эмблема пилотажной группы Украинские Соколы
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On a rectangular maroon shield rounded at the bottom, 3 inches (7.62 cm) in height and 2 inches (5.08 cm) on width overall, within a 1/8 inch (.32 cm) white border, a white fleam.
The colors maroon and white are used to denote medical activities. The fleam is a heraldic symbol for a surgical lancet and its form simulates the unit’s numerical designation.
The shoulder sleeve insignia was approved on 21 February 1966. (TIOH Dwg. No. A-1-412)
On a rectangular maroon shield rounded at the bottom, 3 inches (7.62 cm) in height and 2 inches (5.08 cm) on width overall, within a 1/8 inch (.32 cm) white border, a white fleam.
The colors maroon and white are used to denote medical activities. The fleam is a heraldic symbol for a surgical lancet and its form simulates the unit’s numerical designation.
The shoulder sleeve insignia was approved on 21 February 1966. (TIOH Dwg. No. A-1-412)
Еще из категории: Медицинские подразделения