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Нарукавный знак 16 инженерной бригады СВ США

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On a scarlet disc 2 inches (5.08cm) in diameter two white towers, each embattled of three merlons and with scarlet windows and entranceways, crossed in saltire all within a 1/8 inch (.32cm) white border.

The colors scarlet and white are used for Engineers. The two crossed towers, forming a saltire - a symbol used during the Crusades to reward those who scaled town walls - refer to the combat aspects of the Engineers. Furthermore, the saltire, a form of brace, alludes to engineering support to other components within the organization. The saltire formed by the two crossed towers simulates an X, the map symbol used for brigades and also simulates the Roman numeral ten (X) which with the three merlons of each tower alludes to sixteen (16), the numerical designation of the organization.

The shoulder sleeve insignia was approved on 4 December 1969. (TIOH Drawing Number A-1-530)

Еще из категории: Инженерные войска

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