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Нарукавный знак школы бронетанковых войск СВ США

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An equilateral triangle, one point up, above a horizontal tab attached in base, the overall dimensions of triangle and tab 4 1/16 inches (10.80cm) in height and 3 7/8 inches (9.84cm) in width, the triangle divided into three sections, the upper section yellow, the dexter section blue and the sinister section red, overall a gun bendwise in front of a tank track and wheels all black surmounted by a red lightning flash bend sinisterwise, all within a 1/8 inch (.32cm) green border. The attached tab of green background edged with a 1/8 inch (.32cm) green border, has the respective inscription: School Shoulder Sleeve Insignia Tab: The inscription "The Armor School" in yellow letters 5/16 inch (.79cm) in height.
School Background
The shoulder sleeve insignia was originally approved on 21 Oct 1954 for The Armored School. It was redesignated for The Armor School on 26 Jun 1956. The insignia was amended on 16 Jul 1957 to change the wording in the description of the tab. On 3 Dec 1964 the insignia was redesignated for the U.S. Army Armor School. The shoulder sleeve insignia was amended on 5 Nov 1970 to revise the design to make the insignia and tab one piece. (TIOH Dwg. No. A-1-397)

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