PALS and MOLLE (Pouch Attachment Ladder System)

Нарукавный знак Объединенного штаба Национальной гвардии штата Вирджиния, СВ США

Нарукавный Знак Министерство Шариатской Госсбезопастности МШГБ Чеченская Республика Ичкерия

7th Air Defence Artillery Regiment
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General Information:
PALS ( Pouch Attachment Ladder System ) is the predecessor of the modern MOLLE system which is identical to PALS and merely bears a different name (this article will use PALS and not MOLLE but know they are identical).
Technical Description:
PALS or Pouch Attachment Ladder System. PALS consists of two parts the base ( i will refer to this as ¨female¨ ) and the attachment straps ( i will refer to this as ¨male¨ ). The ¨female¨ side of the PALS system is made of 1 inch (2.5 cm) wide straps running horizontally across the surface you wish to attach the pouch or object to, these straps are sewn to this surface every 1 1/2 inch (3.8 cm) and form the base of PALS. The ¨male¨ portion of PALS consists of one or more vertical straps depending on the width of the pouch or attached object. The strap travels down the back of the pouch and attaches back with a metal snap or button. a pouch is attached to the base by threading the end of the ¨male¨ strap under the loops formed by the stitching in the ¨Female¨ portion the strap is put through these straps until it reaches its extended length when it is attached back to the pouch via the snap or button.
PALS ( Pouch Attachment Ladder System ) is the predecessor of the modern MOLLE system which is identical to PALS and merely bears a different name (this article will use PALS and not MOLLE but know they are identical).
Technical Description:
PALS or Pouch Attachment Ladder System. PALS consists of two parts the base ( i will refer to this as ¨female¨ ) and the attachment straps ( i will refer to this as ¨male¨ ). The ¨female¨ side of the PALS system is made of 1 inch (2.5 cm) wide straps running horizontally across the surface you wish to attach the pouch or object to, these straps are sewn to this surface every 1 1/2 inch (3.8 cm) and form the base of PALS. The ¨male¨ portion of PALS consists of one or more vertical straps depending on the width of the pouch or attached object. The strap travels down the back of the pouch and attaches back with a metal snap or button. a pouch is attached to the base by threading the end of the ¨male¨ strap under the loops formed by the stitching in the ¨Female¨ portion the strap is put through these straps until it reaches its extended length when it is attached back to the pouch via the snap or button.