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Desert uniform, first variant.

Mainīt informāciju
This uniform was the first pattern used in the syrian deployment of the russian armed forces, mainly by russian airspace forces and russian military police in Hmeyim (Latakia) airbase.

Made up of a set of jacket, 2 variations of hats, and 2 variations of trousers. jacket is strongly based on the Afghanka pattern combat jacket, but with a few differences:

-Unilateral zipper front closure rather than button

-Velcro closure for all pockets

-Elastic drawcord on the back segment

-Netting segments on the armpits for ventilation

The pants are a very simple "dress" type design with 5 pockets: 2 slash, 2 rear and 1 knife pocket, along with another very small compartment on the front for spare buttons or string

Another variation, shorts, ommit the knife pocket.

There are 2 options of headgear: a baseball cap and a boonie hat.

Very lightweight tropical synthetic fabric, characteristic red/pink sand colour (mostly, some variations exist of more neutral tan colour, made by contractors other than BTK)

Citas kategorijas: Field, Combat Uniform

Reversible suit 6ш122 (6sh122) Combat Winter Digital camouflage Uniform of Ground Forces (Army). Russian Armed Forces Combat Winter Digital camouflage Uniform of Russian Armed Forces Combat Summer Digital camouflage Uniform of Russian Armed Forces Combat Summer Digital camouflage Uniform of Russian Armed Forces
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