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Tactical vest "KIRASA-PS-ZhR" Border Service of Russia Federal Security Service

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Tactical vest "KIRASA-PS-ZhR" Border Service of Russia Federal Security Service

Discharge vest "Breastplate of PS-Mp" is intended to equip the personnel of the Border Service FSB and serves to house and transport arms, ammunition and other items of individual equipment for soldiers. Worn over clothing (summer or winter), and body armor.

Vest is available in two sizes:
I - for military personnel with girth of chest from 96 to 108 cm;
II - for the military chest with from 112 to 124 cm
Fitting the figure provided by the spinal adjustment belt and lap belt system.

The kit includes a base Mp unloading vest that has pockets to accommodate 6 store AK-74 (AKM), 4 hand grenades, smoke grenades, "Cedar", bayonet-knife and a small sapper shovels, and a separate dressing pouch bag.

Citas kategorijas: Tactical Vests

Tactical vest "PS-ZhR" Border Service of Russia Federal Security Service Tactical Universal Vest 6SH-92-5 Russian Armed Forces Standard Basis UMTBS of tactical vest 6SH-112, Russian Armed Forces Vest of Mine Clearing of FSB Russia Комплект полевого снаряжения СМЕРШ (ССО) Россия
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