MARPAT Body Armor Vest of the Armed Forces of Georgia

593d Sustainment Command Patch. US Army

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MARPAT Body Armor Vest of the Armed Forces of Georgia
This armor vest was designed and manufactured to order the Georgian Defense Ministry in 2010 in Ukraine, made on Ukrainian military factory TEMP-3000. The first delivery of vests was made in Georgia in March 2010.
Armor vest called "Telohranitel M3" (“Телохранитель М3”). This is Armor vest use MAR-PAT camo (digital camouflage pattern in use with the United States Marine Corps).
Georgian Ministry of Defence purchased Ukraine-produced 3000 armor vests "Telohranitel M3" worth of GEL one million and 680 thousand from the Company “Trade Alliance Group” in 2009. The quality of armor-jackets was assessed as bad after testing of them. They might be penetrated both by a pistol and an automatic rifle.
This armor vest was designed and manufactured to order the Georgian Defense Ministry in 2010 in Ukraine, made on Ukrainian military factory TEMP-3000. The first delivery of vests was made in Georgia in March 2010.
Armor vest called "Telohranitel M3" (“Телохранитель М3”). This is Armor vest use MAR-PAT camo (digital camouflage pattern in use with the United States Marine Corps).
Georgian Ministry of Defence purchased Ukraine-produced 3000 armor vests "Telohranitel M3" worth of GEL one million and 680 thousand from the Company “Trade Alliance Group” in 2009. The quality of armor-jackets was assessed as bad after testing of them. They might be penetrated both by a pistol and an automatic rifle.