Pasaules Militārā Enciklopēdija
> Dienvidkoreja
> Patches
> Patches Bruņotie spēk
> Patches armija
> KR-APTKR-00003


Patch Military Lyceum Krut Heroes of the Ukrainian Armed Forces

382nd Separate Naval infantry battalion of 810th Naval infantry bde of the Black Sea fleet

Беретная кокарда Военной школы (учебки) Королевских сухопутных сил Нидерландов
Mainīt informāciju
In the South Korean army, nametapes include the soldier's name in Hangul (Korean writing system) on the top, and transliterated in the roman alphabet on the bottom (presumably to ease interpersonal relations due to extensive cooperation with the U.S. Army). Nametapes are sewn directly onto the upper right breast on the jacket, usually subdued in dark olive colour and black lettering.
Citas kategorijas: Patches armija