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> US-SUSPT-00006

3d Sustainment Brigade Patch. US Army

364th Infantry regiment

шеврон специального подразделения "Агат" Республики Польша, на "липучке" (Jednostka Wojskowa Agat или AGAT) — спецназ глубинной разведки, американским аналогом является 75-й полк рейнджеров, на "липучке"

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A blue rectangular shaped shield arched at top and bottom 3 inches (7.62 cm) in height and 2 inches (5.08 cm) in width overall with three white bands sinister chief to dexter base, in chief three red broad arrows points up and in base a silver gray dragon’s head couped; all enclosed by a 1/8 inch (.32 cm) yellow border.
The white and blue diagonal stripes recall the unit’s 3d Infantry Division heritage. The three arrow heads highlight the brigade’s numerical designation with red being for zeal and action. The dragon is a symbol of power and vigilance. The Presidential Unit Citation awarded to the unit during Iraqi Freedom is also represented by the color blue.
The shoulder sleeve insignia was originally authorized for the 3d Support Brigade on 15 June 2005. It was redesignated for the 3d Sustainment Brigade on 21 April 2006.
A blue rectangular shaped shield arched at top and bottom 3 inches (7.62 cm) in height and 2 inches (5.08 cm) in width overall with three white bands sinister chief to dexter base, in chief three red broad arrows points up and in base a silver gray dragon’s head couped; all enclosed by a 1/8 inch (.32 cm) yellow border.
The white and blue diagonal stripes recall the unit’s 3d Infantry Division heritage. The three arrow heads highlight the brigade’s numerical designation with red being for zeal and action. The dragon is a symbol of power and vigilance. The Presidential Unit Citation awarded to the unit during Iraqi Freedom is also represented by the color blue.
The shoulder sleeve insignia was originally authorized for the 3d Support Brigade on 15 June 2005. It was redesignated for the 3d Sustainment Brigade on 21 April 2006.
Citas kategorijas: Nodaļa kaujas atbalsta un loģistikas