Pasaules Militārā Enciklopēdija
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> Armijas plecu ielāpi
> Lelāpi Alfa vienība
> US-ALPHA-00080

USA Cyber Command Patch. Alpha Units. US Army

Summer Field Soldiers Uniform for regions with hot climates. Russian Armed Forces

Civil Defense Shoulder Tag, District "Dan". Israel

C coy( LRS)1sq 38th cavalry of 525th BfSB
Mainīt informāciju
On a black pentagon-shaped embroidered item edged with a 1/16 inch (.16 cm) white border, a background of white flowing grid pattern, with a demi-terrestrial globe issuing from base, the left side of the globe blue with green landmasses; the right side, dark blue with dark green landmasses, all behind three gold spears issuing from base, the center spear higher; a white lightning bolt diagonally placed over the lower portion of the spears; all enclosed by a 1/8 inch (.32 cm) green border. The overall dimensions are 3 inches (7.62 cm) in height and 3 5/16 inches (8.41 cm) in width.
Green alludes to the Army Forces Cyber Command, as a land based organization. The inner border suggests the containment of threats against the cyberspace infrastructure. The black background represents space, the unit’s area of operations. The flowing pattern in the background denotes the shifting electronic energy of the Cyberspace environment. The terrestrial globe signifies the global electronic reach of the Command; it is divided from light to dark, to display the Army Forces Cyber Command’s round the clock operational velocity and the interaction of its cyber responsibilities. The three spears symbolize the three areas of computer network capabilities - attack, defend and exploit. The lightning bolt illustrates the ability and swiftness to strike anywhere.
The shoulder sleeve insignia was approved effective ` October 2010. It was amended to correct the unit designation on 22 October 2010. (TIOH Dwg. No. A-1-1036)
On a black pentagon-shaped embroidered item edged with a 1/16 inch (.16 cm) white border, a background of white flowing grid pattern, with a demi-terrestrial globe issuing from base, the left side of the globe blue with green landmasses; the right side, dark blue with dark green landmasses, all behind three gold spears issuing from base, the center spear higher; a white lightning bolt diagonally placed over the lower portion of the spears; all enclosed by a 1/8 inch (.32 cm) green border. The overall dimensions are 3 inches (7.62 cm) in height and 3 5/16 inches (8.41 cm) in width.
Green alludes to the Army Forces Cyber Command, as a land based organization. The inner border suggests the containment of threats against the cyberspace infrastructure. The black background represents space, the unit’s area of operations. The flowing pattern in the background denotes the shifting electronic energy of the Cyberspace environment. The terrestrial globe signifies the global electronic reach of the Command; it is divided from light to dark, to display the Army Forces Cyber Command’s round the clock operational velocity and the interaction of its cyber responsibilities. The three spears symbolize the three areas of computer network capabilities - attack, defend and exploit. The lightning bolt illustrates the ability and swiftness to strike anywhere.
The shoulder sleeve insignia was approved effective ` October 2010. It was amended to correct the unit designation on 22 October 2010. (TIOH Dwg. No. A-1-1036)
Citas kategorijas: Lelāpi Alfa vienība