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US Pacific Command Patch. Alpha Units. US Army

Mainīt informāciju
A black shield with a 1/8 inch (.32 cm) red border 2 1/4 inches (5.72 cm) in width and 3 inches (7.32 cm) in height overall bearing a light blue terrestrial globe showing the Pacific Ocean side with gold landmasses and gridlines superimposed by a green bayonet issuing from base with a gold blade and red lightning flash.

The terrestrial map of the Pacific area is the area of operation of the U.S. Pacific Command. The contrasting colors of gold and black refer to the night and day, around the clock mission of the U.S. Army Element of the Pacific Command. Red is the color of zeal and action. The bayonet represents the mission of responding to a crisis and deterring aggression. The bayonet overlapping the globe highlights the enhancement of security in this region of the world by this Command. The lightning flash reflects communications infrastructure and quickness of response.

The shoulder sleeve insignia was approved for wear by the U.S. Army Element of Headquarters, United States Army Pacific Command on 2 May 2002. (TIOH Dwg. No. A-1-848)

Citas kategorijas: Lelāpi Alfa vienība

Philippine Battalion Patch. Alpha Units. US Army European Civil Affairs Division Patch. Alpha Units. US Army USAE Iceland Defense Force Patch. Alpha Units. US Army Criminal Investigation Command Patch. Alpha Units. US Army Space and Missile Defense Command Patch. Alpha Units. US Army
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