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631 Field Artillery Brigade Patch. US Army

Mainīt informāciju
On a red hexagon 3 inches (7.62cm) in height and 2 inches (5.08cm) in width overall, a black trident surmounted by a yellow dragon's head heraldically erased all within a 1/8 inch (.32cm) yellow border.

Scarlet (red) and yellow are the colors associated with Artillery. The trident, an attribute of Neptune, the Roman God of Waters, alludes to the Indian word "Mississippi," which means "Father of the Waters." The dragon's head, symbolic of a fire-breathing beast, is emblematic of Artillery. The six sides of the insignia, three prongs of the trident, and the single dragon's head refer to the unit's numerical designation.

The shoulder sleeve insignia was authorized on 11 October 1979.

Citas kategorijas: Lauka artilērija

197 Fires Brigade Patch. US Army 56 Field Artillery Command Patch. US Army 138 Field Artillery Brigade Patch. US Army 65th Fires Brigade Patch. US Army 103 Field Artillery Brigade Patch. US Army
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