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1 Maneuver Enhancement Brigade Patch. US Army

Mainīt informāciju
On a yellow shield shaped device with a 1/8 inch (.32 cm) black border, 3 1/4 inches (8.26 cm) in height by 2 1/4 inches (5.72 cm) in width overall consisting of a teal blue pile bearing a silver gray sword, point up and below a white stylized outline of a mountain, in base three mullets chevron wise reversed, cobalt blue, scarlet and green.

Gold is emblematic of excellence and high achievement. Teal blue represents the multifunctional nature of the organization. The stylized mountain outline symbolizes Denali and Alaska, where the Brigade is located. The upright sword represents the warrior ethos reflected by all soldiers of the organization. The three stars, cobalt blue, scarlet, and green are for the pillars of the Brigade: Chemical, Engineer, and Military Police Corps, respectively. They also highlight the unit’s numeric designation of three (3).

The shoulder sleeve insignia was approved effective 16 October 2009. (TIOH Drawing Number A-1-1006)

Citas kategorijas: Kājnieki

36 Infantry Division Patch. US Army 75 Infantry Division Patch. US Army 648 Maneuver Enhancement Brigade Patch. US Army 120 Infantry Brigade Patch. US Army 3d Ranger Battalion Shoulder Sleeve Insignia. US Army
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