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38 Infantry Division Patch. US Army

Mainīt informāciju
Shoulder Sleeve Insignia

On a spade shaped shield 2 1/2 inches (6.35cm) in width and 2 7/8 inches (7.30cm) in height, the heraldic dexter half blue, the sinister half red, a monogram of letters "C" and "Y" in white; the elements 1/8 inch (.32cm) in width; all within a 1/8 inch (.32cm) Army green border.

The monogram "C Y" alludes to the nickname of the division, the "Cyclone Division."

The shoulder sleeve insignia originally approved by telegram for the 38th Infantry on 30 Oct 1918. It was officially announced on 19 Jun 1922. It was redesignated on 22 Aug 1963 for the 38th Infantry Division. On 25 Jan 1966 the insignia was amended to correct the wording of the description. (TIOH Drawing Number A-1-103)

Citas kategorijas: Kājnieki

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