Pasaules Militārā Enciklopēdija
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> Armijas plecu ielāpi
> Lelāpi pretgaisa artilērijas
> US-PTADA-00006

The 35 Air Defense Artillery Brigade Patch. US Army

Čehijas armija Kombinētā Arms mugursoma

шеврон 1-го узла связи Генерального штаба Вооруженных Сил России "Рубин"

9th Logistics Support Battalion of the 9th Mountaineering Brigade of the Armed Forces of Switzerland
Mainīt informāciju
Shoulder Sleeve Insignia
On a scarlet vertical rectangle arched at top and bottom with a 1/8 inch scarlet border, 2 inches in width and 3 inches in height overall, a yellow mountain section of three peaks in base and a yellow triangle with point in center base throughout counterchanged; at center above the mountains a scarlet broad arrow point up between stylized aircraft wings and tail section in black.
Scarlet and yellow are the colors associated with the Air Defense Artillery branch. The ascending arrowhead, apparently meeting and destroying an aircraft in flight, illustrates the basic mission of the Branch. The three peaks in base and V-shape (for five) allude to the unit’s numerical designation.
This insignia was approved on 13 Feb 85. (TIOH Drawing Number A-1-705)
On a scarlet vertical rectangle arched at top and bottom with a 1/8 inch scarlet border, 2 inches in width and 3 inches in height overall, a yellow mountain section of three peaks in base and a yellow triangle with point in center base throughout counterchanged; at center above the mountains a scarlet broad arrow point up between stylized aircraft wings and tail section in black.
Scarlet and yellow are the colors associated with the Air Defense Artillery branch. The ascending arrowhead, apparently meeting and destroying an aircraft in flight, illustrates the basic mission of the Branch. The three peaks in base and V-shape (for five) allude to the unit’s numerical designation.
This insignia was approved on 13 Feb 85. (TIOH Drawing Number A-1-705)
Citas kategorijas: Lelāpi pretgaisa artilērijas