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6th Cavalry Brigade Patch. US Army

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A heater-shaped shield 2 5/16 inches (5.87cm) in width and 3 ¼ inches (8.26cm) in height overall with a 1/8 inch (.32cm) black border around a field divided diagonally from upper right to lower left with scarlet above and white below and just below center two crossed yellow sabres with hilts to base.

The colors red and white are the old guidon colors of Cavalry units and the crossed sabres are adopted from the former Cavalry branch insignia.

The insignia was approved 21 Feb 1975. (TIOH Drawing Number A-1-582)

Another category of: Cavalry

116th Cavalry Birgade Combat Team Patch. US Army Нарукавный знак 7-го кавалерийского полка СВ США. 316th Cavalry Brigade Patch. US Army 11 Armored Cavalry Regiment Patch. US Army 278 Armored Cavalry Regiment Patch. US Army
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