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2d Cavalry Division Patch. US Army

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Shoulder Sleeve Insignia

On a yellow Norman shield with a 1/8 inch (.32 cm) green border 5 1/4 inches (13.34 cm) in height and 3 13/16 inches (9.68 cm) in width overall, a blue chevron below two eight-pointed blue stars.

The shield is yellow, the Cavalry color. The stars are taken from the coat of arms of the 2d Regimental Cavalry which was formerly a unit of the division.

The shoulder sleeve insignia was approved on 3 May 1928. (TIOH Dwg. No. A-1-272)

Another category of: Cavalry

2d Cavalry Regiment Patch. US Army 116th Cavalry Birgade Combat Team Patch. US Army 3d Cavalry Regiment Patch. US Army 6th Cavalry Regiment Patch. US Army Нарукавный знак 104-го бронекавалерийского полка СВ США
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