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US Africa Command (USA Element) Patch. Alpha Units. US Army

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On a light blue oval-shaped embroidered item, coming to a point at the top and bottom, two palm fronds crossed at base Proper, surmounted by a blue oval shield edged with a 1/16 inch red border bearing the green landmasses of Africa; all within a 1/8 inch (.32 cm) black border. Overall dimensions are 3 1/8 inches (7.94 cm) in height and 2 7/16 inches (6.19 cm) in width.

Blue alludes to the commitment to the unity and coordination of Africa’s allies to promote the United States Africa Command mission. The palm fronds indicate Africa’s hope to achieve unity on the continent and to build a partnership throughout the world. Red stands for liberation. Green denotes prosperity. The landmasses of Africa symbolize the continent’s fortitude and the Command’s area of operation.

The shoulder sleeve insignia was approved on 26 November 2007.

Another category of: Alpha Units

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