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Persian Gulf Service Command Patch. Alpha Units. US Army

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On a green shield, 3 1/4 inches in height, a 7 pointed white star above a red scimitar fimbriated in white bendwise, point up.

The red scimitar, from the flag of Iran (or Persia) represented the warlike spirit of the ancient Persians. The white seven pointed star is taken from the flag of the Kingdom of Iraq. It represents purity and religion of the Middle East. The green color of the shield denotes the agriculture of Persia in olden days, and also stands for Islam, which is the religion of both Iran and Iraq. The colors red, green and white are found in the flags of both countries.

The date the insignia was originially approved is not contained in The Institute of Heraldry files. Correspondence dated May 13, 1944 indicates the insignia drawing may be declassified. The unclassified drawing was approved on August 29, 1944. (TIOH Drawing Number A-1-53)

Another category of: Alpha Units

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