World Military Encyclopedia
> United States
> Shoulder Sleeve Insignia
> US Army Shoulder Patches
> Alpha Units
> US-ALPHA-00038

Maneuver Support Center of Excellence (Fort Leonard Wood) Patch. Alpha Unit. US Army

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1101 Signal Brigade Patch. US Army

Gold Badge of the armed forces of Syria
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On a black vertical rectangular embroidered item coming to a 90-degree angular point at base, a yellow four-bastioned fort bearing two chevrons conjoined, one with point up, the other point down, each divided into two parts, the top blue and scarlet, the bottom green and purple; upon the chevrons and in center a vertical black sword, point up, with yellow edging and on the hand guard; all within a 1/8 inch (.32 cm) yellow border. Overall dimensions are 3 1/4 inches (8.26 cm) in height and 2 1/4 inches (5.72 cm) in width.
Black denotes power. The four pointed bastioned shape symbolizes Fort Leonard Wood, the location of the Maneuver Support Center. The chevrons, in the different colors, illustrate branches that comprise the Center – blue represents the Chemical Regiment, green suggests the Military Police Regiment, scarlet indicates the Engineer functions, and purple refers to the Joint Units (Army, Marines, Navy, and Air Force). The sword represents military readiness.
The shoulder sleeve insignia was originally approved for the maneuver Support Center on 21 November 2008. It was redesignated for the Maneuver Support Center of Excellence effective 1 October 2009. (TIOH Drawing Number A-1-985)
On a black vertical rectangular embroidered item coming to a 90-degree angular point at base, a yellow four-bastioned fort bearing two chevrons conjoined, one with point up, the other point down, each divided into two parts, the top blue and scarlet, the bottom green and purple; upon the chevrons and in center a vertical black sword, point up, with yellow edging and on the hand guard; all within a 1/8 inch (.32 cm) yellow border. Overall dimensions are 3 1/4 inches (8.26 cm) in height and 2 1/4 inches (5.72 cm) in width.
Black denotes power. The four pointed bastioned shape symbolizes Fort Leonard Wood, the location of the Maneuver Support Center. The chevrons, in the different colors, illustrate branches that comprise the Center – blue represents the Chemical Regiment, green suggests the Military Police Regiment, scarlet indicates the Engineer functions, and purple refers to the Joint Units (Army, Marines, Navy, and Air Force). The sword represents military readiness.
The shoulder sleeve insignia was originally approved for the maneuver Support Center on 21 November 2008. It was redesignated for the Maneuver Support Center of Excellence effective 1 October 2009. (TIOH Drawing Number A-1-985)
Another category of: Alpha Units