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Army Service Force Training Centers Patch. Alpha Units. US Army

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Shoulder Sleeve Insignia

A 1/16 inch blue outline of a star, one point up, 1 3/8 inches in diameter on a white background within a blue border outside diameter 2 1/4 inches, inside invected of six.

The design resembles the shoulder sleeve insignia for the Army Service Force (currently designated as DA Staff Support) with the exception that blue and white are used in the composition and is appropriate inasmuch as the organizations for which it is approved are under the Service Commands. The insignia for all of the Service Commands are blue and white.

The insignia was approved on September 16, 1944.

Another category of: Alpha Units

USA Mission Patch. Alpha Units. US Army. Department of the Army Police Patch. Alpha Units. US Army Panama Canal Division Patch. Alpha Units. US Army Ground Forces Replacement Depots Patch. Alpha Units. US Army Hawaiian Seperate Coast Artillery Brigade Patch. Alpha Units. US Army
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