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Tactical rucksack "Acropolis", 40 ltr. 2015 model

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This backpack was designed as part of the ukrainian military's modernization efforts. This model saw very little production or use, mainly with the 79th airmobile brigade. It has 40 ltr. capacity, MOLLE webbing, capacilty to use a hydration system, and quick-release FASTEX system.
Made by Ukrainian tactical backpack manufacturer "Acropolis", it's now being replaced by a newer model.

Another category of: Backpack, Bags, Pouches

Soviet grenade launcher RPG-7 Gunner Backpack / Munitions pouch Pouch for hand grenades RG / F 1 / RGD AK-47 three MAG Pouch(3 stores) model 1961 Soviet Army aluminum flasks cover Підсумок для пострілів ВОГ-25
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