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Tactical Universal Vest 6SH-92-5 Russian Armed Forces

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Tactical Universal Vest 6SH-92-5 Russian Armed Forces

Vest 6SH-92-5 repeats vest 6SH-92 has only a difference in the design of the rib vest. Mass began to appear in the Army in 2007 (?) Year. Along with body armor and helmets 6B23 6B7. At the moment there are parts in the Navy and Marine Corps of the Russian Federation.

There is also a civilian version of the vest 6SH-92-5 produced NPAO "ANA" called Grad-2.

Producer: NPAO "ANA", Enterprise "KLASS"

Another category of: Tactical Vests

Tactical vest "KIRASA-PS-ZhR" Border Service of Russia Federal Security Service Universal Modular Transport and Combat System 6SH-112 Russian Armed Forces Жилетная основа с расширенной поясной частью Комплект полевого снаряжения СМЕРШ (ССО) Россия Universal Tactical Vest 6SH-112 Russian Armed Forces
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