Aramid Composite Helmet 6B7-1M Russian Armed Forces
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Aramid Composite Helmet 6B7-1M Russian Armed Forces
Protective aramid-reinforced composite helmet "6B7-1M" intended for use in complete battle gear for airborne and spicial forces of Russia.
Key Features
The helmet provides a level of protection of the head of the fragments V50 least 630M / s and the bullet pistols PM to 5 meters and 50 meters from the TT. The area of ​​protection of a helmet is not less than 11,5 dm2. Weight helmet is not more than 1.15 kg.
• consists of a housing unit and podtuleynogo
• the protective structure of the shell is a discrete-fabric material based on aramid fibers
• retains the protective properties at temperatures from -50 ° C to +50 ° C
• allows driving of vehicles
• allows for deactivation, decontamination and does not reduce the safety and performance after their exposure
• does not interfere with the environment to perceive sounds
• has a repair adaptability, which allows to carry out repairs in the field without special tools
• has a structure not providing special equipment or tooling to ensure the maintenance and repair
• neproniknovenie secondary fragments inside the helmet with no penetration
• The burden of continuous wear for at least 24 hours without showing irritation and chafing
• Compatibility with summer and winter uniform, staff uniforms items servicemen
• easy and quick donning and removal without assistance
• secure fit on the head of the soldier and does not move when the various techniques and activities
• the possibility of planting, placement in military equipment and other vehicles, as well as the use of individual weapons while in these
• perform an action, characteristic of the combat situation
• compatibility with the means of communications, surveillance, targeting
• ability to mount a camouflage jacket and the mesh
• operation in the winter due to the use of insulated liner
Manufacturer: Closed Joint Stock Company "Center of high-strength materials," Reinforced Composites "Company CVM" Armokom ", Russia
Protective aramid-reinforced composite helmet "6B7-1M" intended for use in complete battle gear for airborne and spicial forces of Russia.
Key Features
The helmet provides a level of protection of the head of the fragments V50 least 630M / s and the bullet pistols PM to 5 meters and 50 meters from the TT. The area of ​​protection of a helmet is not less than 11,5 dm2. Weight helmet is not more than 1.15 kg.
• consists of a housing unit and podtuleynogo
• the protective structure of the shell is a discrete-fabric material based on aramid fibers
• retains the protective properties at temperatures from -50 ° C to +50 ° C
• allows driving of vehicles
• allows for deactivation, decontamination and does not reduce the safety and performance after their exposure
• does not interfere with the environment to perceive sounds
• has a repair adaptability, which allows to carry out repairs in the field without special tools
• has a structure not providing special equipment or tooling to ensure the maintenance and repair
• neproniknovenie secondary fragments inside the helmet with no penetration
• The burden of continuous wear for at least 24 hours without showing irritation and chafing
• Compatibility with summer and winter uniform, staff uniforms items servicemen
• easy and quick donning and removal without assistance
• secure fit on the head of the soldier and does not move when the various techniques and activities
• the possibility of planting, placement in military equipment and other vehicles, as well as the use of individual weapons while in these
• perform an action, characteristic of the combat situation
• compatibility with the means of communications, surveillance, targeting
• ability to mount a camouflage jacket and the mesh
• operation in the winter due to the use of insulated liner
Manufacturer: Closed Joint Stock Company "Center of high-strength materials," Reinforced Composites "Company CVM" Armokom ", Russia
Another category of: Helmets