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Змінити інформацію
On a vertical rectangle arched at the top and bottom 2 1/8 inches (5.40 cm) in width and 3 inches (7.62 cm) in height overall, a field divided quarterly gray and blue and thereon a yellow lightning bolt issuing from upper left and a white sword point up in saltire surmounted by a white front facing helmet detailed gray all within a 1/8 inch (.32 cm) yellow border.

Oriental blue and silver gray are the Military Intelligence branch colors. The quartered field symbolizes the four primary intelligence functions: the collection, analysis, production, and dissemination of intelligence information. The lightning bolt refers to the worldwide capabilities and the electronic warfare functions of the unit. The sword symbolizes the aggressiveness, protection, and physical danger inherent in military intelligence operations. The helmet alludes to the origins of the unit at Camp King, Oberursel, Germany. The helmet's front facing position suggests alertness and vigilance, and the closed faceplate the anonymity and aggressiveness of covert collection.

The shoulder sleeve insignia was approved on 20 November 1986. (TIOH Dwg. No. A-1-727)

Ще з цієї категорії: Військова розвідка

Нарукавний знак 319 бригади воєнної розвідки Нарукавний знак 470 бригади воєнної розвідки Нарукавний знак 501 бригади воєнної розвідки Нарукавний знак 300 бригади воєнної розвідки Нарукавний знак 902 групи воєнної розвідки
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