Всесвітня військова енциклопедія
> Нашивки
> Нарукавні нашивки Сухопутних військ
> Військова розвідка
> US-PTMIUS-00001
Нарукавний знак 2-го Командування військової розвідки Сухопутних військ США
Зеленый берет Государственной Пограничной службы Украины
Scuba Diver badge( obsolute) replaced by SOP diver badge in 2004.09.17
1st Infantry regiment
Змінити інформацію
Shoulder Sleeve Insignia
On a rectangular shape insignia with the upper two corners removed with a 1/8 inch (.32 cm) black border, 1 1/2 inches (3.81 cm) in height and 2 inches (5.08 cm) in width overall, divided horizontally silver gray and oriental blue, a black chess knight.
Oriental blue and silver gray are the colors associated with Military Intelligence. The division of the background and the shape of the insignia allude to the Second United States Army’s shoulder sleeve insignia. The chess knight embodies power in movement and direction and symbolizes the use of intelligence information in formulating military strategy and countermeasure. Black alludes to the covert or secret aspect of gathering intelligence and information, and silver gray to the search for truth. The day and night vigilance of the unit is symbolized by the contrast of colors of the light background and dark chess piece.
On a rectangular shape insignia with the upper two corners removed with a 1/8 inch (.32 cm) black border, 1 1/2 inches (3.81 cm) in height and 2 inches (5.08 cm) in width overall, divided horizontally silver gray and oriental blue, a black chess knight.
Oriental blue and silver gray are the colors associated with Military Intelligence. The division of the background and the shape of the insignia allude to the Second United States Army’s shoulder sleeve insignia. The chess knight embodies power in movement and direction and symbolizes the use of intelligence information in formulating military strategy and countermeasure. Black alludes to the covert or secret aspect of gathering intelligence and information, and silver gray to the search for truth. The day and night vigilance of the unit is symbolized by the contrast of colors of the light background and dark chess piece.