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Нарукавний знак 91 навчальної дивізії СВ США

Змінити інформацію
On a shield 2 1/2 inches (6.35 cm) overall with a 1/8 inch (.32 cm) black border, a green fir tree on an olive drab background. Within the tree, the numerals “91” in scarlet.

The green fir tree is symbolic of readiness and boldness, the color green signifying fidelity and steadfastness of purpose. The simplicity of the present design recalls service in World Wars I and II, when the 91st Division wore the distinctive fir tree.

The shoulder sleeve insignia was originally approved for the 91st Division by telegram on 8 December 1918 and announced by letter on 23 June 1922. It was rescinded on 25 March 1968. A new insignia was designed and approved on 25 March 1968. On 7 July 1993, the insignia was cancelled and a new shoulder sleeve insignia was approved for the 91st Division. The shoulder sleeve insignia was redesignated for the 91st Division (Training Support) effective 1 October 1999. It was redesignated effective 1 October 2009, for the 91st Training Brigade. It was redesignated for the 91st Training Division effective 18 September 2010. (TIOH Dwg. No. A-1-488)

Ще з цієї категорії: Піхота

Нарукавний знак 3 батальйону рейнджерів 75 полку рейнджерів СВ США Нарукавний знак 2 батальйону рейнджерів 75 полку рейнджерів СВ США Нарукавний знак 44 піхотної дивізії СВ США Нарукавний знак 78 піхотної дивізії СВ США Нарукавний знак 648 бригади бойового забезпечення СВ США
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